Introducing Little Mouse!
My newest plush indulgence!
If you’ve been following me during the year since I published my first story, “Ruth’s Ginger Snap Surprise”, then you know that all my heroines have adorable kittens they got from their mutual friend Lydia.
I was joking with my daughter earlier that I’m really just using these stories for excuses to purchase plush kitties!
It’s possible. I do like plushies, and there’s a part of me that secretly thinks adults shouldn’t have many. Sure, I’ve got Jingles, the little teddy bear my grandmother Nina gave me when I was a baby, and Mr. Turtle, a very threadbare fellow dating back to my toddler years. Possibly one or two — or three — others.
The thing is, I really love them. I bought tons of stuffed animals for my kids when they were young. Museum gift shops were danger zones filled with expensive temptation. And have you ever seen a Folkmanis puppet? So realistic and adorable! Now they have Squishables, and Squishmallows…I want them all. But I generally resist, and buy them for others.
But when I published my first book, “Ruth’s Ginger Snap Surprise” last year, I decided a stuffed orange kitten was just what I needed. After all, readers at author events and book signings love seeing him. I justified it as a smart business move. Heh heh.
Of course, when “Mary’s Calico Hope” released in June I had to have a calico kitty, too!
And then came the day I opened my dog’s Bark Box and found Miss Muffet waiting inside; a stuffed cinnamon roll who now has her own stuffed kayak!
I guess I may have a plushie problem. If I publish enough books, I’m going to need a bigger house.
But that’s a problem for future Anne. Today my newest plushie arrived. Meet Little Mouse! And look at her little donut! It’s perfect, since Little Mouse’s owner, Lizzie Miller, has a bakery. I can’t believe I found the perfect kitten.
You can meet Lizzie and Little Mouse for yourself when the book releases from Barbour on April 1.
And if you haven’t read “Ruth’s Gingersnap Surprise” or “Mary’s Calico Hope”, you have time to check those off of your ‘to read’ list before Lizzie’s story comes out. You’ll meet each of my book heroines in the previous books in my Willow Creek series, part of Barbour’s Heart of the Amish series!
I’m writing my fourth, “Plain Jane’s Secret Admirer”, now. It will release next winter.
My books are available on, from the publisher (often the cheapest price!) at,,, and from Books-a-Million in person and online, some Barnes & Nobles in person, and online, and wherever you purchase quality Christian fiction!
Let’s not forget your public library, where you can borrow them for free!
I’m hoping to find one in a tiny library one day. I think when that happens, I’ll really have ‘arrived’!
Please leave a review for me wherever you like; a few words will suffice. And if you were to like me on Facebook, that would be a help, too. Have a wonderful, blessed day!