• My Writing Journey

    Introducing Little Mouse!

    My newest plush indulgence!

    If you’ve been following me during the year since I published my first story, “Ruth’s Ginger Snap Surprise”, then you know that all my heroines have adorable kittens they got from their mutual friend Lydia.

    I was joking with my daughter earlier that I’m really just using these stories for excuses to purchase plush kitties!

    It’s possible. I do like plushies, and there’s a part of me that secretly thinks adults shouldn’t have many. Sure, I’ve got Jingles, the little teddy bear my grandmother Nina gave me when I was a baby, and Mr. Turtle, a very threadbare fellow dating back to my toddler years. Possibly one or two — or three — others.

    The thing is, I really love them. I bought tons of stuffed animals for my kids when they were young. Museum gift shops were danger zones filled with expensive temptation. And have you ever seen a Folkmanis puppet? So realistic and adorable! Now they have Squishables, and Squishmallows…I want them all. But I generally resist, and buy them for others.

    But when I published my first book, “Ruth’s Ginger Snap Surprise” last year, I decided a stuffed orange kitten was just what I needed. After all, readers at author events and book signings love seeing him. I justified it as a smart business move. Heh heh.

    Of course, when “Mary’s Calico Hope” released in June I had to have a calico kitty, too!

    And then came the day I opened my dog’s Bark Box and found Miss Muffet waiting inside; a stuffed cinnamon roll who now has her own stuffed kayak!

    I guess I may have a plushie problem. If I publish enough books, I’m going to need a bigger house.

    But that’s a problem for future Anne. Today my newest plushie arrived. Meet Little Mouse! And look at her little donut! It’s perfect, since Little Mouse’s owner, Lizzie Miller, has a bakery. I can’t believe I found the perfect kitten.

    You can meet Lizzie and Little Mouse for yourself when the book releases from Barbour on April 1.

    And if you haven’t read “Ruth’s Gingersnap Surprise” or “Mary’s Calico Hope”, you have time to check those off of your ‘to read’ list before Lizzie’s story comes out. You’ll meet each of my book heroines in the previous books in my Willow Creek series, part of Barbour’s Heart of the Amish series!

    I’m writing my fourth, “Plain Jane’s Secret Admirer”, now. It will release next winter.

    My books are available on Amazon.com, from the publisher (often the cheapest price!) at Barbour.com, Walmart.com, Target.com, and from Books-a-Million in person and online, some Barnes & Nobles in person, and online, and wherever you purchase quality Christian fiction!

    Let’s not forget your public library, where you can borrow them for free!

    I’m hoping to find one in a tiny library one day. I think when that happens, I’ll really have ‘arrived’!

    Please leave a review for me wherever you like; a few words will suffice. And if you were to like me on Facebook, that would be a help, too. Have a wonderful, blessed day!

  • Books

    A Lancaster Amish Christmas is a Best Seller!

    Yesterday I heard the thrilling news that my newest story, “Lucy’s Christmas Sunbeam”, is part of a BEST SELLING collection of cozy Amish Christmas romances!

    The story is part of the book, “A Lancaster Amish Christmas”, which released from Barbour Publishing September 1, and yesterday it was named #16 on the ECPA Christian Fiction Best Seller list for October!

    I’m going to be straight with you; my story is really fun, and I loved writing about Lucy and her baby sister, Millie, whom she is determined to raise despite the fact that she’s single and only 18 when the baby is born.

    BUT . . . I figure that the success of the book is due to the fact that the other three authors, Amy Clipston, Mindy Steel and Amy Lillard, are all very popular and well-known authors. I won the lottery when I was offered the chance to have my story included with theirs!

    Woo hoo! I’ll take it! Whatever the reason the book made the best seller list, I’m simply thrilled – like, dancing around the room thrilled!

    It’s such a good feeling to have all that hard work affirmed. People like my story! I’m still new enough, not quite a year into this writing journey, to need to know that. Heck, that may always be the case.

    Even though I write fiction, there is a part of me in each story, and in each character.

    So it’s nice to know my efforts are appreciated! Each of the four novellas in the book are 25,000 words long, so the readers are getting a bang for their buck!

    If you haven’t yet read this book, and my story, let me know what you think when you do! And please leave a review anywhere and everywhere you like if you have a few minutes. It doesn’t have to be much . . . a five star rating and the words – I couldn’t put it down! – will do! Lol.

  • Books

    Releasing Tomorrow, September 1!”A Lancaster Amish Christmas”

    My very first novella is part of this fun collection!

    About the Book:

    Enjoy a simple Amish Christmas in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, that is sweetened by second chances, trimmed in love, and wrapped in faith.
    Four Novellas set in Pennsylvania Amish Country from four of your Favorite Authors of Amish Romance!

    When her parents suddenly died, Lucy stepped into the mother role for her infant sister with Down’s Syndrome. But Lucy’s boyfriend wasn’t interested in a readymade family. Living in the dawdi house on her brother’s farm, Lucy is happy with life–until she literally runs into the hardware store owner and desire for romance returns.

    After learning her boyfriend Wyatt was seeing someone else, Makayla moved across state and married. Recently widowed, she visits her parents for Christmas, only to find that Wyatt is still single and working for her father. When her five-year-old son instantly bonds with Wyatt, Makayla starts to hope for a second chance at love.

    Seven-year-old Jacob Bontrager is working hard to help his lonely widower father find love again. He believes his pretty new teacher who has just moved to the community is perfect, but none of his matchmaking works until a snowstorm strands Lily Kate Troyer at the Bontrager farm. Could God and nature be on Jacob’s side?

    The Wicky sisters didn’t expect their father to sell their thriving deer farm with plans to move them to the deep woods of Kentucky. Always obedient Louise fears for her growing jam business. Beth cannot wait to start a new adventure in a new place, while her twin, Leah, is running out of time for her own happy-ever-after.

    They have only one Christmas left in Lancaster. Can three sisters forge the perfect plan to ensure Leah gets the Christmas wish she has longed for or will God deliver a Christmas miracle for all three?

    Available tomorrow in digital and print wherever you buy fine books! Available now for Kindle on Amazon.com. I can’t wait for you to read these wonderful, feel-good stories! Enjoy!

  • Reviews by Anne Blackburne

    Book Review: Serenity’s Secret

    “Serenity’s Secret” is the next book coming from Barbour Publishing in “The Heart of the Amish” series!

    Serenity's Secret by Lisa Jones Baker

    Exactly what I’d expect from Lisa Jones Baker, one of my ‘sister authors’ in this wonderful new series from Barbour.

    Serenity Miller is back, and this time she’s here to tell us her story!

    Popular Amish romance author Lisa Jones Baker has penned another gripping tale from Barbour’s “Heart of the Amish” series, “Serenity’s Secret”.

    We first met Serenity Miller in Lisa’s previous “Heart of the Amish” book, “The Quilt Room Secret”, as a secondary character. But now it’s time for this lovely young woman to shine in her own story!

    The owner of The Pink Petal flower shop in Arthur, Illinois, Serenity’s life is just the way she likes it – almost.

    She does have one big secret – a heartbreaking secret that will prevent her from ever marrying and having a family of her own; or so she believes. She’s convinced herself she doesn’t mind so much – that is until her feelings for her helpful neighbor, Stephen Lantz, start to grow and change.

    Then he saves her from serious harm after she is attacked by trespassers on her property, and she finds herself moving him from the ‘interesting neighbor’ category into the ‘handsome hero’ category.

    That’s when her secret becomes a whole lot harder to stomach, and to hide from Stephen. But what can she do?

    On one hand, how can Serenity lead her handsome and likable neighbor on, knowing they can have no future together, especially when she learns of Stephan’s long-held dreams for the his future life?

    On the other hand, how can she let him walk away when her heart is telling her to hold on tight!

    Sis yuscht! What a dilemma!

    When her attackers return for another attempt at what they’re seeking, Serenity’s very life will be at stake. Will Stephen show up again to save the day?

     Read “Serenity’s Secret”, releasing October 1 from Barbour Publishing, to find out!

  • Life Outside the Pages

    My Favorite Review Ever

    Did you know that authors depend upon good reviews to help sell their books? It may seem obvious; good reviews may convince individuals to purchase books, but they also move books up in rankings in various sales venues, and can even help get an author onto a best seller list.

    This is why you may have seen authors ask their readers to take a few minutes to post a review if they enjoyed a book. It doesn’t need to be long. Simply saying, “I loved this book!” and giving it 4 or 5 stars will help out your favorite authors.

    Of course, all authors dread getting the other kind of reviews; negative ones posted by people who did NOT like their book.

    Generally speaking, negative reviews should not be posted simply because you didn’t enjoy a story that was well written and correctly presented.

    What I mean is, if a story is advertised as being “spicy”, and you prefer to read books that are “clean” or “cozy”, meaning no sexual content, overt violence, cussing, etc., then it’s not the author’s fault that you picked up their clearly labeled book, were shocked by the content, and hated the book. It wouldn’t be fair in that case to give the author a bad review. Instead, just walk away. Leave no review. Move on to another book more to your taste.

    On the other hand, if a book is full of sexy scenes after being promoted by the author as being Christian romance or a cozy mystery – both of which are understood NOT to contain spice – one might suspect intentional misrepresentation, and that’s reason for a poor review. Or if a book is just a hot mess – as if the author didn’t even bother to try and eliminate typos, grammatical errors, spelling errors or worse, major plot issues, that could be a reason for a poor review.

    But even then, a 3-star rating (out of five) is punishment enough for most author errors. One-or-two-star ratings are just unnecessary; and sometimes downright mean!

    A one-star rating can crush an author’s spirit, making him second guess his ability to write and whether he should just give up and pack it in. You can see why leaving such a review requires some very careful thought. Author egos are fragile enough as it is!

    But I recently received a one-star rating that I simply had to laugh at. I won’t reveal the poster’s name or even where the review was posted, but I’ll share what they wrote in a review of my recent release, “Mary’s Calico Hope”, from Barbour Publishing’s Heart of the Amish series:

    Subject Line: Too expensive!

    Review: Have not read it. Not going to read it though I really want to. I can’t believe it costs $11.50 for 258 pages.

    That’s it! This person left a one-star review for my book, and hadn’t even read it!

    A major rule for authors is to never, never engage with readers about their reviews. All an author can accomplish by taking this road is to create bad feelings and lose readers. Worst case, it could end their writing career.

    In fact, conventional wisdom holds that the smartest thing an author can do is to avoid looking at their reviews. Obviously, I didn’t follow that to the letter of the law. But I don’t make a habit of reading reviews. Sometimes someone has something less than lovely to say, and if you see it, that’s your own fault.

    I was looking at performance ratings on a website, and it was just THERE. So I read it. And I’m glad I did, because it’s just ridiculous, and gave me the idea for this article.

    I just shook my head and laughed at this review. But if I were to talk with this person, I’d inform them that I don’t set the prices for my books. Also, the going price is closer to $15 . . . $11.50 was a sale price. Lol. And finally, why don’t they just get a library card and read it for free?

    A word about pricing: If I pay $15 or even more for a book I want, I look at it like this – I’ll be getting up to 10 hours of entertainment for that money. Viewed that way, it’s a bargain! Also, consider the hundreds of hours the author spent writing, rewriting, proofing, editing and marketing the book. Then consider that most authors receive rather modest advances – or none at all if they are self-published. And that most authors never earn out their advance, meaning they never get more money for their books.

    At that point, maybe you’ll agree that that $15, or in this case, $11.50, was pretty fair.

    In any case, please do leave reviews for books you enjoy. If you didn’t like a book, think carefully about why before slamming an author with a one or two star review.

    The ego you save may be mine!

  • Life Outside the Pages

    I’m Taking over the KUWTA Page Saturday!

    Saturday, July 6, I’ll be running the Keeping up with the Amish Facebook page, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

    It’s going to be a day full of fun!~ Here’s what you can expect:

    1. Mini-Muffin Book Promos of other Amish authors, by Miss Muffet, my rescued former-dog-toy cinnamon roll, throughout the day! She’ll be sharing current or soon-to-release books by some of your (and mine!) favorite authors of Amish romance!
    2. A give-away of a brand new tiny painting of the kitty from my next book in The Heart of the Amish, “Lizzie’s Little Mouse”, which will release from Barbour on April 1, 2025! To win, you just need to give me your email so I can include you in my monthly newsletters. If you’re already done that, just do it again and tell me so. 🙂
    3. Information on where I’ll be doing book signings and author events in the coming months.
    4. I’ll share one of my favorite recipes – my summer go-to! And it will be featured in my next book! Hint: It involves cherry pie filling!
    5. I’ll tell you a little about my novella, “Lucy’s Christmas Sunbeam”, which will be releasing in September as part of a collection with some of your – and my! – favorite Amish authors!
    6. I’ll share a scene from my new release, “Mary’s Calico Hope”, book five from Barbour’s Heart of the Amish series.
    7. I’ll answer reader questions throughout the day. Ask me anything within reason. 🙂
    8. At the end of the day, I’ll reveal the gorgeous new cover for “Lizzie’s Little Mouse” and choose the winner of the tiny painting of Little Mouse, Lizzie’s cat!
    9. Other fun things as they occur to me. See you tomorrow!
    Cinnamon Roll
  • Reviews

    Are You Checking in Daily?

    The CelebrateLit tour for Mary’s Calico Hope continues through July 10

    Every time you like one of the bloggers’ pages, and click through to the entry, you’re entered for a chance to win a print copy of the book and a nice $25 Amazon.com gift card!

    Here’s a small excerpt from today’s blogger, Patty Pierce from Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy:

    The author does an amazing job building the characters and storyline. One of my favorite character is the Bishop who plays an integral part in the story.

    Truly, this clean, sweet Amish/Mennonite story will keep you reading.”

    Thanks for the nice words, Patty!

    Here is the schedule for the rest of the CelebrateLit blog tour/review. Remember to check in daily to increase your chance to win. And feel free to share my blog tour with your friends who enjoy reading sweet Amish romance.

  • Reviews

    Celebrate Lit Tour Continues Today!

    Today’s Blogger promoting my brand new release, Mary’s Calico Hope, is Debbie from Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations.

    Thanks for your review, Debbie! Check it out for a chance to win a print copy of the book and a $25 Amazon.com gift card!


    Here’s the rest of the tour schedule. You can click on past days to see what was said about the book by those bloggers!

  • Reviews

    Mary’s Calico Hope is featured in a Celebrate Lit Blog Tour now through July 10!

    Each day from now until July 10, Mary’s Calico Hope will be featured by one or more bloggers through Celebrate Lit online! I’ll post all the bloggers below. If you go to their pages and like them, you’ll be entered to win a print copy of the book and an Amazon gift card.

    Here’s one of today’s posts, from blogger Jeannette at Jeannette’s Thoughts:

    “I adore kittens.  And Mary has one called Hope.  This is so appropriate because Mary needs hope.  She has been crippled since she was a young child.  She has given up hope for a better future.

    Dr. Rueben King couldn’t help noticing Mary.  And it wasn’t because of her handicap. 

    Mary deserves all the happiness.  She gives so much to others in her community. Mary has the opportunity to live her life with less pain and fulfilling her dream of having a family of her own.

    I received this book to review from Celebrate lit.”

    Here’s the rest of the tour schedule. You can click on past days to see what was said about the book by those bloggers!

  • Life Outside the Pages

    Mary’s Calico Hope Featured in Bookstagram Mini-Tour!

    Do you know what Bookstagram is? I didn’t either; in fact, when my publisher said my book would be featured in a Bookstagram tour, I thought initially she’d said Boojstagram. It sounded very funky and hip. But it’s Bookstagram, and it’s part of Instagram.

    So for several days this week, a number of bloggers of Christian fiction and such will be featuring Mary’s Calico Hope in their blogs! The idea is that they presumably have lots of followers, many of whom will be motivated to buy my book. (Rubs hands together in glee and laughs maniacally)

    Actually, I looked at one of today’s blogposts, which I’ll post a link to here, and was amused by several comments from people who do NOT like cats. Okay so they won’t be buying my book. Oh, well!

    Here’s the link. You can check out all the bloggers by scrolling down on this one’s post and finding the rest. Like and etc. on them for a chance to win a print copy of the book and a $15 Amazon gift card!
