I’m Taking over the KUWTA Page Saturday!
Saturday, July 6, I’ll be running the Keeping up with the Amish Facebook page, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
It’s going to be a day full of fun!~ Here’s what you can expect:
- Mini-Muffin Book Promos of other Amish authors, by Miss Muffet, my rescued former-dog-toy cinnamon roll, throughout the day! She’ll be sharing current or soon-to-release books by some of your (and mine!) favorite authors of Amish romance!
- A give-away of a brand new tiny painting of the kitty from my next book in The Heart of the Amish, “Lizzie’s Little Mouse”, which will release from Barbour on April 1, 2025! To win, you just need to give me your email so I can include you in my monthly newsletters. If you’re already done that, just do it again and tell me so.
- Information on where I’ll be doing book signings and author events in the coming months.
- I’ll share one of my favorite recipes – my summer go-to! And it will be featured in my next book! Hint: It involves cherry pie filling!
- I’ll tell you a little about my novella, “Lucy’s Christmas Sunbeam”, which will be releasing in September as part of a collection with some of your – and my! – favorite Amish authors!
- I’ll share a scene from my new release, “Mary’s Calico Hope”, book five from Barbour’s Heart of the Amish series.
- I’ll answer reader questions throughout the day. Ask me anything within reason.
- At the end of the day, I’ll reveal the gorgeous new cover for “Lizzie’s Little Mouse” and choose the winner of the tiny painting of Little Mouse, Lizzie’s cat!
- Other fun things as they occur to me. See you tomorrow!