Are You Checking in Daily?
The CelebrateLit tour for Mary’s Calico Hope continues through July 10
Every time you like one of the bloggers’ pages, and click through to the entry, you’re entered for a chance to win a print copy of the book and a nice $25 Amazon.com gift card!
Here’s a small excerpt from today’s blogger, Patty Pierce from Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy:
“The author does an amazing job building the characters and storyline. One of my favorite character is the Bishop who plays an integral part in the story.
Truly, this clean, sweet Amish/Mennonite story will keep you reading.”
Thanks for the nice words, Patty!
Blog Stops
Here is the schedule for the rest of the CelebrateLit blog tour/review. Remember to check in daily to increase your chance to win. And feel free to share my blog tour with your friends who enjoy reading sweet Amish romance.
(Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)
Stephanie Wraps up her Three Day Interview!
Stephanie, the wonderful blogger behind Stephanies Ninth Suitcase (I have to remember to ask her where that name came from!) did a three day interview with me, discussing my writing process, inspiration, career and advice for aspiring writers.
It all started Monday with Part One – Faith and Fiction. Yesterday we had Part Two – Heart of the Amish. And today Stephanie wraps it all up with Part Three – A Day in the Life!
Many thanks to Stephanie for her thought-provoking questions. I really had to delve to come up with honest, thoughtful answers. I may have gotten to know myself a bit better through this in-depth process!
Here’s the link to today’s blogpost. And it’ll take you to the page, where you can find the other two posts as well if you missed them.
Stephanie’s Interview Continues Today! Part 2
Part Two of Stephanie’s interview from StephaniesNinthSuitcase.com, about me and my new release, “Mary’s Calico Hope” is out today!
In it she asks me about my inspiration for writing Amish romance, and my thoughts about Mary, an older-than-the-typical-romance-heroine, disabled Amish woman, as a hero.
I really liked her thoughtful questions. And her favorite quote from the book was, “Difficulty is a miracle in its first stage”, which is an Amish saying. I love it!
Check it out!
Author Interview with Anne Blackburne: Heart of the Amish